James 2:14-19 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you’ve got a copy of scripture with you, you can find James, chapter two, as we continue in our study of Keeping It Real in the epistle of James, this very, very practical book in the Bible, much like the Proverb of the New Testament. I hope you…
Ezra 5 & 6 Well, good morning, friends. I confess to you that as I try to contemplate life, I think in terms of word pictures, metaphors and analogies. For example, I think about that great theologian, Forrest Gump, (audience laughs) who’s known for saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know…
Ephesians 6:13-19 (Emphasis on verse 18) As Jason said, my name is Colton Willie and it’s a privilege to be in front of you again this morning. And for those of you who are visiting with us, welcome. We’re glad you’re here. If you have a copy of scripture, I would invite you to find…