Sermons by Colton Willey

Faith of Abraham

Hebrews 11:8 Good morning, Saylorville! It’s my honor to be sharing God’s Word with you again this Sunday morning. And if you have a copy of the Bible, you can find Hebrews chapter 11, verse 8 as we continue in our sermon series, God’s Hall of Faith as we examine all these amazing Old Testament…

Patient at His Coming

James 5:7-11 IF WE ARE TO BE PATIENT AT HIS COMING… We must admit and believe that Christ’s return is the ONLY CERTAIN future. We must accept that suffering detaches us from the world and attaches us to Christ! We must do so together. We must focus on the promises of God, not the product…

The Tests We Take

James 1:12 Well, good morning, Saylorville Church.  Good morning.  If you have a copy of scripture, you can find the book of James, chapter one, verse 12, as we continue in our sermon series, Keeping It Real. And as long as we’re talking about keeping it real this morning, there are few things in life…

Jesus: The ONLY Way

Romans Well, good morning, Saylorville! My name is Colton Willie, as many of you know, and it’s my pleasure and honor to be sharing God’s Word with you this morning. If you have a copy of scripture, I would invite you to find the Book of Romans, chapter one. We’re going to be heading there…

Prayer That Battles

Ephesians 6:13-19 (Emphasis on verse 18)  As Jason said, my name is Colton Willie and it’s a privilege to be in front of you again this morning. And for those of you who are visiting with us, welcome. We’re glad you’re here. If you have a copy of scripture, I would invite you to find…