Sermons by Pat Nemmers (Page 2)

The War Within

James 4:1-6 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James, James chapter four. Otherwise, the Scripture will come up on the board. I love that song. We haven’t sung it for a while, and it reminded me of just a week…

Get Wisdom!

James 3:13-18 Well good morning, Saylorville! If you brought a copy of scripture with you today you can find James chapter three…as we spend one more time in James this year before we celebrate our Lord’s incarnation next week in our special services. We’re talking about keeping it real and we’re talking about keeping it…

Real Faith (Part Two)

James 2:20-26 Well, good morning Saylorville! If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James, James, chapter 2, as we continue in our series of Keeping It Real, James, chapter 2. My wife and I enjoy in-home visits and have for many years where we call…

Real Faith

James 2:14-19 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you’ve got a copy of scripture with you, you can find James, chapter two, as we continue in our study of  Keeping It Real in the epistle of James, this very, very practical book in the Bible, much like the Proverb of the New Testament. I hope you…

Prelude to Armageddon

Zechariah 12 Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you brought a copy of scripture with you this morning, you can find Zechariah chapter 12. Zechariah chapter 12. And yes, we’re going off script from our study of James. But a lot of things have changed in recent days, have they not? I had plans in about…

The Wisest Thing You Can Do

James 1:5-8 1- Your greatest need in your trials is wisdom 2 – Your greatest enemy in your prayers is doubt 3 – Your greatest weapon in your arsenal is faith Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you brought a copy of Scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James, chapter one,…

Joy Under Trial

James 1:2-4 Four ways in which we need to see our trials. As a gift from God A joy in the making A perfecter of your faith A test you will pass Trials are: Presently ~ now; Temporarily ~ for a little while; Necessarily ~ if need be; Unequally ~ various… given to us. Good…

James: Keeping it Real

James Well, good morning Saylorville. If you brought a copy of scripture with you this morning, you can find the book of James as we begin a brand new series titled Keeping It Real. I love that bumper video with the fruit and all that. Someone has said, if Paul is the root, James is…

Being Tethered to the Truth

Mark 11:15-19 How Can We Stay Tethered to Truth? By reading, studying and obeying God’s Word – daily. By dedicating yourself to sound doctrine. By interpreting culture through the lens of Scripture – not the other way around. By differentiating between the temporal and the eternal. Well, good morning, Saylorville. If you brought a copy…