Archive (Page 13)

Jason Parmerlee (Australia)

G’day from the Sunburned Country! The land isn’t the only thing that’s sunburned! It is amazingly hot here as February is the hottest month of the year! It has been so fun to see the Lord work over the last 4 weeks! Four weeks, it’s unreal to think it has already been that long! God…

Virgil and Dolores Bunjer (Germany)

Yesterday’s new snow and strong winds, causing drifting, waited with their arrival until after the travel of the past several days. We are grateful. We returned from Ankeny late Thursday night, concerned about some earlier thermostat problems in our house. Then on Friday we returned to Ankeny for the benefit of our church to participate…

Kristi Walker (Berlin, Germany)

Well, tomorrow is another departure day. As some of you know, I’ve been in the States for the last few weeks doing some recruiting for EBM on college campuses as well as presenting at churches. It may be that I start coming home every winter for a few weeks instead of every other year for…


I started my previous e-mail with a different verse before the computers blacked out and I had to start again…I think this one is more appropriate in this situation. I am sorry that this will have to be brief, I had so much else written, but please get a hold of my parents for more…

Rachel Swanson (Liberia) – Thank You

Friends and Family, Thank you all for your encouraging e-mails and notes these past couple of days. It’s a blessing to know that there are so many prayer warriors at home covering us with the Lord’s protection. Christie and I will be headed to Dixiville (the orphanage) this next Monday. We would appreciate your prayers…

Faith Lift 2007 – Feb. 23-24

Are you your sister’s keeper?

In the midst of the daily hustle and bustle, our lives have formed an alliance with the belief in our individualism. And, that’s creating a disconnect among God’s instrument for fellowship, caring and growth: the church. Does this sound familiar to you?

Elyse Fitzpatrick, author and speaker, will be challenging us with this topic during Saylorville Baptist Church’s annual “Faith Lift” conference. She’ll provide practical encouragement on mentoring, forgiveness and accountability to help us become Women Helping Women.

Join us for “Faith Lift 2007”