Yesterday’s new snow and strong winds, causing drifting, waited with their arrival until after the travel of the past several days. We are grateful. We returned from Ankeny late Thursday night, concerned about some earlier thermostat problems in our house. Then on Friday we returned to Ankeny for the benefit of our church to participate in the all-day seminar at FBBC on building the local church, a very profitable and challenging theme. It began by establishing a solid, clear, biblical foundation showing God’s purposes for the church, and then suggested methods of reaching those biblical goals by following His plan. After seeing how the Lord worked and is working in our churches in Germany, we were enthusiastic about this presentation.
Threats of icy roads preceding the arrival of the snow did not discourage our SE Iowa pastors from coming here to our church on Monday for an all-day workshop led by Prof. Dr. Ernie Schmidt from FBBC on one of the important issues of the day – Covenant Theology.
A busy week of work in our church auditorium will begin on Saturday as the piano, organ and all the old carpeting are removed from the platform in preparation for the arrival on Tuesday of the new carpeting. Sunday night after church all the pews will have be moved to one side.
The emails that arrive on my desk each week from several of our local churches in Germany stagger me with the many home Bible studies as well as a full program of services and activities. The Lord will bless that with fruit. TWO EXCERPTS: Eight couples showed up at the Krauses in Landshut for their first Valentines’ event in that new church. In Ingolstadt Uschi’s Bible studies with Michaela have resulted in Michaela’s decision to go to the court house to have her name removed from the state church roll in preparation for her baptism, a major step for Germans.
The leaders of our churches met on Saturday to make plans for Summer Camp. Todd writes: “26 people were there to begin talking through the details and activities for the week of camp in August. We’re planning on about 120 people and will be at a new camp location. It’s great to see some faithful workers who have been working at camp for many years and some new faces, just getting started in this ministry.” It is not too early to begin your prayer ministry for this very vital and fruitful activity among the young churches in Germany. The preparation of hearts is key also.
Virgil and Dolores Bunjer
Baptist Mid-Missions