Prayer Team,
Greetings from warm, tropical, Brazil… OOPS! We should say… Greetings from COLD, WINDY, SNOWY, IOWA! Yes, that is right, we are here in the States trying to stay warm, and it is NOT easy! As we look out the window, we see lots of snow and the thermometer is reading 8 degrees!! We praise the Lord that He has brought us safely here for our furlough. We are getting settled into life here in the U.S.A., enjoying seeing family and friends, and scheduling meetings. Our responsibilities begin on February 25th. Please pray with us for safety and health as we travel, and most of all that God will use us greatly as we minister.
Yes, the last time we wrote, we were in Brazil and getting ready for the Christmas season. Jerrod and Jonna took advantage of their college Christmas breaks and came down to be with the rest of the family and help with the move back. Being together as a family was a special treat. How grateful we are that the Christmas celebration in our home was well-attended. Forty-nine people were present at this great outreach opportunity. We enjoyed the singing of traditional Christmas carols, and John gave a challenge which included the clear Gospel plan. We are grateful for your prayers and want ask you to continue to pray for those who heard how to be saved, but have not yet responded. As a family, we were also able to go “caroling”—something that is new to most Brazilians, but they were so appreciative!
One more HUGE answer to prayer…the Christmas program at Sao Pedro was held in our new, unfinished church building!!!! God used the presentation to touch many lives including several visiting families from the community. The following day, we celebrated by having a special Christmas meal also in the auditorium! Such an exciting time for us all! But no one was more excited than John and the four young men who usually had to carry John up and down those 20 steps to the basement where we formerly held all meetings!! Thank the Lord for His goodness!! And most of all, prayer team…thank YOU once again for your prayers!!!
It has been quite some time since we have given you an up-date regarding our former work in Jundiai. Our son, Joshua, who stayed in Brazil, gave us a report regarding last week’s Vacation Bible School. An average of 90 children were in attendance each day. During the children’s activities, the mothers were also invited to a class just for them. And best of all, there were at least five children who accepted Christ as Savior!! We also received good reports from the work in Gato Preto and the rest home ministry. It is exciting to see the national believers and their new pastors carrying on the work. Thank you for praying for the ministry in Brazil!
May the Lord bless and keep each of you.
Sincerely in Christ,
John and Bev Leonard