Our hero… (and a bit more)
While we are on furlough, our friend Andrew is visiting from Australia. During the visit, we have taken the opportunity to do some tourist things in Iowa. One thing that we decided to do was to go on a tour of the State Capital Building in Des Moines. I will be honest, it was great. We encourage anyone to take the tour, it is an amazing building with fascinating history. The person who made the tour enjoyable and educational was our tour guide, Peg.
Peg was passionate, excited and knowledgeable of all areas of the building. Also, she gave credit to the architects, financiers and builders by name. One gentleman she referred to throughout the tour was, Robert Finkbune. She would even state his name with the title of ‘Our Hero, Robert Finkbine.’ His name was memorable, because she acknowledged him at least ten times with the same title, ‘Our Hero, Robert Finkbine.’ The realisation that hit me was I grew up in Iowa, I had been to the Capital Building many times, but I had never heard his name before that day. Yet, Peg shared his name as a noted historical figure that should never be forgotten. To my shame, by the next day, I had forgotten his name and had to call the tour company to get the information. ‘A Hero of Iowa, but one who was easily forgotten.’
Even with all of the new education of Iowa history, the challenge Peg gave me was in her communication style. She said she gives the tour numerous times a day, month & year. Yet, I would assume that she would be just as passionate about the building and her ‘Hero, Robert Finkbine.’ Peg challenged me to communicate with the same level of passion about ’Our Hero, Jesus Christ.’ We have the privilege of talking with many people every day, month and year about Jesus, but do I share with the same enthusiasm & passion as Peg did about Mr. Finkbine? Do any of us? It was a good challenge during a time like furlough. I would pray we would communicate with this message passionately, even on our most exhausting days.
Robert Finkbine died in 1901 and he did leave leave a legacy. Interesting, as I study history and the Bible, the Finkbine legacy will eventually fade and will be a blip on your local Wikipedia page. A vapour that will eventually be forgotten.
Yet, our ‘Hero, Jesus’ lives on. His legacy will never die. We do live to share about ‘Our Hero, Jesus, Our Saviour, Our Lord, & Our King.’ He is the one who we serve and desire to share with anyone who will listen, His saving message. I hope I can be as passionate, excited and knowledgeable about all he has done, is dong and will do for us all. Praise His name.
Thanks for the challenge Peg.
A bit more…
1) We have had supporters increase their support and new support come in during our time here.
2) The visit from Andrew has been a blessing for us from ‘home.’ We needed the Australian infusion into our lives to spur us on for the coming month.
3) An offer for computers to be sent to Australia. We are still waiting on assistance with the shipping.
We have had for some specifics on our prayer requests:
-$200 monthly increase for support – This is due to a change in our schooling situation for 2011 and some adjustments in support from specific churches.
– Shipping of 2-3 computers to Australia
– We still are praying for 4 new laptops for city ministry (Mac or PC)
-1 new laptop & 1 new desktop for family needs – Ours are in need of replacing at home
-Direction and funding with church plant in Sydney; we have the opportunity for new church plants in 2011 – Our goal is to raise $5000 for this fund.
-Funds for furlough – This has been a bit more expensive than we realised, but the Lord has provided in his mighty way
-We would like to purchase a small vehicle to assist in travel needs for future ministry. (ex. Toyota Corrolla)
That is it for now, but there will be more to come. Thank you for your prayers and support.
The adventure continues…
The Matthews family