We will rely on the truth of God’s Word as the final authority in our lives and in this group.
Download the current Saylorville Bible Study Journal here. This resource has been designed to help men and women read, study, and listen to the Bible in more meaningful ways. We believe God has created us to live and learn in community with His people, so, the Journal is used best in groups. When people show…
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.” – 2 Timothy 3:1 The Coronavirus pandemic has brought new levels of anxiety, confusion, and fear for many in our world. Yet, with great difficulty comes great opportunity. People in your Community Group are undoubtedly struggling with a range of emotions…
We’ve partnered with RightNow Media to provide additional teaching and training resources for Community Group leaders and co-leaders. Our subscription gives you free access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos, kids shows and more. To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study…
Looking for a way to get your group on the same page at the beginning of this season? Check out Better Together – a brand new six-session start-up study that will help you and your group launch successfully. Download the study, or grab copies from the church office, and start your group the right way!
Memorizing the Bible can be difficult, but it is an important habit to memorize and meditate on Scripture privately and within Community Groups. Joshua 1:8 says, “Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, but meditate on it day and night so that you will be careful to do everything that…
One of the essentials of a healthy Community Group is the centrality of the Bible. We rely on the truth of God’s Word as the final authority in our lives and in our groups. As a Community Group Leader, an even as a Christ-follower, you’ll need to be prepared to defend your faith and the…
One of the foundations of a growing relationship with Jesus is regular time in God’s Word. As a Community Group leader, help your group walk through these four simple steps of Bible study to help them develop the habit of spending quality time in the Bible. Print out the worksheet, send it to your group,…
As a Community Group leader, you can’t lead others where you’re not willing to go. If you’re encouraging your Community Group to grow to be more like Jesus, they’ll need to see that example in you. To be more like Christ, you need to know Him, obey Him, and abide in Him. Here’s what John…