Every set of relationships has written or unwritten expectations. In the same way, our Community Groups agree to a set of community commitments that maximize each member’s experience. Very simply, the level of community we gain from our group will be directly related to the level of commitment we give to our group. As a…
If you’re just kicking off your first season as a Group leader, you may be wondering, “What did I get myself into?” The truth is, leading is a huge responsibility, but it’s also a great privilege. Your first ninety days of Group leadership will help pave the way for the rest of your experience –…
When was the last time you stopped to check on the health of your group? How would you even know if your group is healthy? Assessment is essential for growth. It’s true for your personal walk with Christ and for your small group leadership. This tool is designed to help you assess your Community Group’s…
Download the current Saylorville Bible Study Journal here. This resource has been designed to help men and women read, study, and listen to the Bible in more meaningful ways. We believe God has created us to live and learn in community with His people, so, the Journal is used best in groups. When people show…
After the initial excitement of group formation begins to wear off, it can be easy for group relationships to plateau. If you want people in your group to continue to experience life change together, you’ll need to intentionally pursue intimacy. As a leader, this can seem like a daunting task, but it is possible! Watch…
You might have heard that we’re making some changes… The Short Version Starting September 2021, all of our Cell Groups and Bible Studies will be united under the banner of “Community Groups”, and we will encourage people to join at least one per season. Community Groups are gatherings of 6-12 people centered around life and…
Joining the front lines of ministry as a Community Group Leader can be exciting, overwhelming, life-changing, encouraging, and stretching. If you’re ready to jump in, then it’s time to start forming your new group. But who will God ultimately place in your group for you to experience life change together alongside? Here are some practical…
We’ve partnered with RightNow Media to provide additional teaching and training resources for Community Group leaders and co-leaders. Our subscription gives you free access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos, kids shows and more. To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study…
Looking for a way to get your group on the same page at the beginning of this season? Check out Better Together – a brand new six-session start-up study that will help you and your group launch successfully. Download the study, or grab copies from the church office, and start your group the right way!
Are you a new leader, or are you leading a group of people who are new to Community Groups? The first few weeks of your group life will set the stage for the rest of your journey together. Here are a few ideas to help you launch your group successfully.