Healthy Community Groups will grow both deeper and wider. It’s normal for groups that are experiencing life change together to get larger in number as they become more devoted to Christ. So, how do you know when it’s time to multiply your group? As a leader, you’ll need to walk through the process carefully and…
No matter how you look at it, Jesus left us on earth to be and make disciples. At Saylorville, we say it this way: We exist to make more people be more like Jesus. One of the best ways to do this is to be intentional about inviting others into the Biblical community we’ve found.…
Joining the front lines of ministry as a Community Group Leader can be exciting, overwhelming, life-changing, encouraging, and stretching. If you’re ready to jump in, then it’s time to start forming your new group. But who will God ultimately place in your group for you to experience life change together alongside? Here are some practical…
Reproducing yourself into the life of a co-leader is one of your main priorities as a Community Group leader. Why is this so important? Here are three reasons.
Life change happens best when we’re growing together. This is a powerful thought for Community Group leaders. If you’re launching a Community Group for the first time, or are just getting ready to kick off a new season with your current group, here’s a simple encouragement – never lead alone. Developing a co-leader in your…
At our church, Community Groups meet together regularly for a season, then take a break, then meet again. This rhythm allows us to implement strategic on-and off-ramps, as well as give our leaders intentional breaks. If your group is approaching the end of a season, here are some practical tips to finishing strong: Celebrate wins.…
As a Community Group leader, one of the greatest privileges you’ll have is developing co-leaders who will one day multiply out and lead on their own. Remember – today’s co-leaders are tomorrow’s leaders. To raise up effective leadership for today and tomorrow, follow the example that Jesus set during His ministry on earth. Jesus was…
Healthy Community Groups multiply. It’s in their DNA. They can’t help it. When a group of disciple-making disciples experiences life change together, it’s infectious. The group will grow, and multiplication will be a natural part of the process. Here are some key steps in the journey of helping your group prepare to multiply.
As a Community Group leader, how do you know which of your group members could make great co-leaders? Here are three qualities that will help you identify tomorrow’s group leaders in your group today.
When it comes to your Community Group, today’s co-leaders are tomorrow’s leaders. If you’ve identified co-leaders with the right character, chemistry, and commitment, you’re well on your way to making sure a new generation will experience the life change together that your Community Group has enjoyed. As you develop your co-leaders to take the next…