Engage Men’s Retreat

Faithfulness. What does it mean to be a faithful man in our present society? Where do you turn when life is difficult? Are we like Polonius declaring, “To thine own self be true!”? Or are we called to something more? Join us, and men from across the Engage Network, as we tackle the topic of…

Gospel Centered Recovery

Do you want to change? The mission of Gospel Centered Recovery or “GCR Saylorville” is transformation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:2) Our goal is for men & women to gain freedom from life-dominating sin issues (addictions) & idolatry, in order to make “more people more like Jesus.” Hope to see you there!…

Senior Adults: Potluck and Prayer

Hey Seniors! Join us for Potluck and Prayer in the Coffee Cove on Wednesday, October 16th at 11:30am. Retired pastor, David Young, will be sharing on the topic of prayer and then we will spend some time praying together around our tables. Please send prayer requests to randy@saylorvillechurch.com prior to October 16th so we can…

Young Adults: YA Nite

YA Nite is a twice a month gathering for 18-20 somethings to worship together, hear teaching and build authentic relationships with other young adults, all to become more like Jesus. YA Nite is at 7:00pm on the first and third Thursday of the month at Saylorville. Bring a friend and join us in the Student…

Baptism Class

The class will take place during the second service downstairs in the Learning Center. During that time you will learn the what, why, who, when and how of Biblical baptism. This class is for all who are interested in learning more about believers baptism and especially for those of you who have trusted Jesus but…

Saylorville Church Missions Conference

Join us October 25th and 27th for the Saylorville Church Missions Conference as we host some of our missionaries who are serving the Lord in various capacities all around the world. It’s a great opportunity for God to expand our vision and burden our hearts for the world around us. Check out the schedule below.…

Senior Adults: Coffee with Missionaries

Seniors, do you ever wish you could get to know our missionaries on a personal basis?  Do you have a question you’d like to ask, but can’t bring yourself to ask it in a large crowd? Join us on Friday, October 25th at 2:00pm in the Coffee Cove for coffee and light snacks as we’ll…

Missionary Breakfast

Join us for this special breakfast as we will get to know and interact with the missionary men and women attending the Saylorville Church Missions Conference. We will hear their unique perspectives of what life is like on their mission fields, what they struggle with and how churches and individuals can best encourage them. Breakfast…

Missionary Hangout: Prime Timers Encounter

It’s time for Prime Encounter 2024! As part of Saylorville Missions Conference, Prime Timers have the opportunity to enjoy a meal with two of our missionary couples, Russ and Cathy Matthews (Australia) and Andy and Lindsey Messmer (Spain). Join us on Saturday, October 26th at 5:00pm for a great evening of food, fun and fellowship!…

Missionary Updates

On Sunday, October 27th, you have the opportunity to hear ministry updates from four of our missionary families attending our 2024 Missions Conference. A different family will give an update on their ministry during all three of our morning services downstairs in the Learning Center or Student Center. Sign up for one – or all…