Family and Friends-
I know I said that I would try and write sooner, but I’m sure none of you thought this soon. I try not to be too predictable…:) Christie and I had some letters that needed to be typed out before our meeting at the Embassy. My parents keep asking me how travel in rainy season is going, and up until today it had been going fine. I guess these past couple months the rains been just teasing us, but it’s getting serious about it’s work as of these past couple days. Our usual walk to the Market where we catch a bus was completely flooded. (Water up to our waist on our usual bridge crossing. Christie and i didn’t feel like wading through it since rumor has it a Boa snake and Croc often are seen fighting there…i can just see it…one month to go and i get eaten by a croc!…) We had to turn back, thinking our trip to town was over, but thankfully we caught a motor bike that took us to the bus junction. That ride consisted of getting off a couple times and wading through muddy water for a while. We knew we lived out in the bush, but now with transportation getting harder with the weather we are really feeling it. I guess all that is to say please pray that the rain won’t detour the big steps we have these next couple weeks. In the States it would be no problem, but here it’s a different matter. Monday and Tuesday it’s very important for us to be able to reach town…but God is all knowing and everything will work out in His perfect plan. We are trying to get everything ready for the meetings and so far it’s going smoothly. Pray that the man who’s supposed to work on the birth certificates is doing his job. I will keep you all informed on our next steps.
thanks for the prayers,