Family and Friends-
I’m at a loss on how to catch you all up on the last events of the past couple months. The Lord has been faithful in so many ways and I know that is through the prayers of all of you. This e-mail is going to have to be brief, but I do want to be able to write soon and tell you all that is and has been on my heart.
Christie and I both have been on a journey these past serveral months…almost six as of now. We have experienced things that both of us hadn’t planned on..but thankfully God had. I know I was vague in my last e-mail on everthing that was going on at Dixville, and this e-mail probably won’t be any clearer, but I’m writing for a specific purpose and that is prayer. Christie and I wouldn’t be where we are right now if it weren’t for God and for all of your prayers. Pastor Mike (PM) is not acting as Director of the orphanage now. Praise God. ACFI wasn’t able to take legal action because there wasn’t any proof. We went to the Doctor 11 days after it had happened and by that time it was too late to get any proof, and all that the Doctor was able to say was that there was evidence that she had been raped. ACFI has been through a trying last few months, but I think God has placed some people that will be good staff. Alot of changes are taking place and I know God is doing a work.
Along with this e-mail, I am going to forward one that Christie sent out a few weeks ago. As you will read, God has put a special love in Christie’s heart for a particualar girl at the home, Redeemed. Christie was really trying to hear God’s voice in it and felt that God was speaking to her to have more of an impact in her life than just an acquointance for a few months. She is bordering the line of being too old to adopt, and so these past few months we’ve been trying to seek out different options. We are trying to get her a Visitor’s Visa and it’s amazing how God opened the door to pursue this avenue. The thing is we are against a time dead line. We are trying to get birth certificates done this week. (Also for another girl, Naomi) We have to have them done by Monday in order to get a passport. Our Visa appointment with both girls is this coming Tuesday. We are supposed to have both the birth certificate as well as the passport by then! With God all things are possible. We do have a secondary appointment at the Embassy just in case we don’t get the passports on time. The lady, Marcey, who want to help us with the Visa’s, is leaving at the end of this month. Please pray that we will be able to get everything worked out with her on this end before she leaves. It will be nothing short of a miracle if Redeemed is on the flight home with us. Pray for God’s favor in this. Continual favor from God, the Embassy, ACFI…etc..
God has done a work already in this trip and I know that He can do anything. The Visa interview dates will either be on the 19th of the 23rd of this month.
There is so much to say and I wish I could explain the whole situation to all of you in person instead of over e-mail. I will be able to soon!
Again, I just stress the need of prayer. I hope to keep you better updated in the future. Thank you for all your love and support.
A HUGE thanks to all of you who participated and helped send that package over to me….it was such a treat and i got it exactly on my b-
day. All the letters were such an encouragement…i was craving hand written letters and you should have seen my eyes when i pulled out a whole stack! Carlos, your puppet was a hit with the kids. Thank you. I don’t think i’ll be able to say thanks enough times. Your controbution was like a gift of love and came at a much needed time. (ya had been like four months since I had had Hot Tamales….Africa is rough on me.) :):)