Praise the Lord for a record breaking Easter Sunday! For the first time ever, SBC had over 1,000 people worshiping for Easter. But not only that, our Engage Network totaled over 1,500 people! Lakeside Fellowship had over 300 and Living Waters over 200 last Sunday. All of our churches have much by way of follow up to do so be in prayer for us as we attempt to make contacts with our many visitors.
Paul told Titus to “adorn the gospel of God our Savior in all things”. I want to take a moment to praise the Lord for all of the adornment to the Gospel that was going on here last Easter Sunday. At the risk of not naming some of you, I want to thank Stu Mauseth and his “crew” who fed some 900 an Easter breakfast with the help of the Young’s, Buby’s, Cody Robertson, Ed Burke and the Swartzendruber’s. Also to our fabulous greeters and ushers, our special choir and the worship team that led us to exalt our Risen Savior. A big thanks to Doug Porter and our technology team for all their work before, during and after the services. Without the help of our nursery and Children’s Church workers we could not have had the order that we had in our services. Of course these sacrificial servants should be thanked every week but a big shout out to you for all your work on Easter. And what would we do without Dick Ober who, along with Bob Dvorak, Dave Shetterly, Greg Stewart and Kermit McElvain brought order to our parking lot by shuttling folks back and forth as needed. I know that I’m probably missing 25 other people so please don’t be hurt if I failed to mention your name. I am grateful to you – to all of you for “your work and the love that you have showed for His sake.”
Pastor Pat Nemmers