Thank you John Patrick for sharing your journey of life events that came to their end when you trusted in Jesus Christ as Your Savior. It reminds me of “Except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit.”
John 12:24
Hello Mr. John Nemmers, your testimony brought me to tears. I am so happy that you have been saved from an eternal separation from God. Loving our Lord Jesus Christ and learning His Word brings great peace to our lives. Even in the midst of the most violent storms of life, He is with us and He is always faithful. I was 31 years old when I was passed from death to life as John 5:24 tells us. That was in January of 1989. I will never forget Easter of 1989. I had never, as an adult, attended church before my salvation. The Easter of 1989, I was 3 months old in the faith. Oh, on fire I was. So grateful, and I mean grateful. Our Easter service, I suppose, was not too different than any other Baptist church in Des Moines in 1989. It was different for me. From the Bible, I had not ever heard what took place in those 3 days about 2000 years ago. What He taught me that Sunday morning will remain forever in my heart. This man, Jesus Christ, God, forsaken by His disciples, brutalized, nailed to a cross, God the Father looked away from Him……I was weeping so hard, I almost removed myself from the auditorium. He died, 3 days later rose again….the only person ever born that did not have to die, He did not have to die, did so for you….He did so for me. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”– John 15:13. Again, I just want to say how grateful I am to the Lord for your salvation. I hope that it is alright to say that I will pray for you. May the Lord bless you as you follow Him.
John: thanks for sharing – your story is truly a great demonstration of God’s grace and mercy – Praise God!! I saw this looking into how to ask your sister Hannah to be my friend. I would like to chat sometime we could coordinate our schedules to hear what God is doing in your life now. Vern
Wow! In watching both your first testimonial on here in 2013 and your story you retold just months ago…Wow. You can really see the transformation and the growth you’ve had in your journey. Amazing. Thank you for sharing.
A life transformed by God is a beautiful thing! Thanks for sharing John.
Thank you John Patrick for sharing your journey of life events that came to their end when you trusted in Jesus Christ as Your Savior. It reminds me of “Except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit.”
John 12:24
I go to saylorville church to.
Hello Mr. John Nemmers, your testimony brought me to tears. I am so happy that you have been saved from an eternal separation from God. Loving our Lord Jesus Christ and learning His Word brings great peace to our lives. Even in the midst of the most violent storms of life, He is with us and He is always faithful. I was 31 years old when I was passed from death to life as John 5:24 tells us. That was in January of 1989. I will never forget Easter of 1989. I had never, as an adult, attended church before my salvation. The Easter of 1989, I was 3 months old in the faith. Oh, on fire I was. So grateful, and I mean grateful. Our Easter service, I suppose, was not too different than any other Baptist church in Des Moines in 1989. It was different for me. From the Bible, I had not ever heard what took place in those 3 days about 2000 years ago. What He taught me that Sunday morning will remain forever in my heart. This man, Jesus Christ, God, forsaken by His disciples, brutalized, nailed to a cross, God the Father looked away from Him……I was weeping so hard, I almost removed myself from the auditorium. He died, 3 days later rose again….the only person ever born that did not have to die, He did not have to die, did so for you….He did so for me. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”– John 15:13. Again, I just want to say how grateful I am to the Lord for your salvation. I hope that it is alright to say that I will pray for you. May the Lord bless you as you follow Him.
John: thanks for sharing – your story is truly a great demonstration of God’s grace and mercy – Praise God!! I saw this looking into how to ask your sister Hannah to be my friend. I would like to chat sometime we could coordinate our schedules to hear what God is doing in your life now. Vern
Wow! In watching both your first testimonial on here in 2013 and your story you retold just months ago…Wow. You can really see the transformation and the growth you’ve had in your journey. Amazing. Thank you for sharing.