We just want to send a quick prayer request update for you all. We will be sending a more detailed video update soon, we promise!
As many of you know, we invited a friend of ours, Julia Seagrist, to come down here for a year with the ABWE AMP program to help care for our kids while we are in language school. Last week, after some severe abdomen pain and eventually yellow eyes, we learned that she passed a gall bladder stone. Not only that, but it was discovered that she still has 30 or more stones in her gall bladder! After many exams and blood tests, it has been determined that removing the gall bladder is the best action at this point. So, Julia is scheduled for gall bladder surgery on Tuesday morning, April 20, at 10:30 am.
We are very comfortable and confident with the doctor that God has provided to do the surgery. He was the on-call doctor at the ER we went to last Friday night and it “just so happens” that he specializes in gall bladders!! God is so good, isn’t he?
We are asking for you to pray for several things related to all of this:
1. Julia has one more blood test that needs to show improvement in some liver enzymes on Saturday. Please pray the results are good or we will have to move the surgery.
2. Teresa needs some extra energy because the same day Julia has surgery, the boys MK teacher Carol is having surgery. So, Teresa will be homeschooling them for a few days in the midst of spending time at the hospital, caring for Julia, and doing language school. (Please pray for Carol too! She’s having surgery on her esophagus valve.)
3. Most importantly, pray for a smooth surgery Tuesday morning and a smooth recovery following.
Thanks so much for all your prayers. We will let you know how everything goes!
Serving God in Brasil,
Lucas and Teresa Bair
UPDATE: Julia’s surgery went well and she is back home with the Bair’s recovering.