This Week in Boston
Last week was a full week of ministry with 10 meetings or Bible studies, in addition to our Sunday morning services. Last Sunday there were 26 in our services, and 25 this week. We are making new friends every week. Our morning fellowship starts with at least 1/2 hour of prayer. Today the prayer time was closer to 45 minutes. For a group our size, we seem to have an inordinate amount of trauma within the fellowship membership. At the same time, our little fellowship is learning to love one another and to share one another’s burdens. Our prayer time indicates this. We are gearing up for our annual International Thanksgiving Dinner. This year we plan on having two dinners, with fifty people at each dinner. The goal of these dinners is to show the love of God and to generate evangelistic relationships/Bible studies. Our whole fellowship will need to be totally involved in order for us to meet our goals, and we need you to pray for us daily.
The highlight of this week was the Friday night Bible study. One of our disciples, who came to faith and was baptized in our ministry, initiated this study. It is held in a study room at the Snell Library of the Northeastern University campus. We are reading through the book of Matthew together. This last week there were five of us in the study. It was a tremendous joy hearing our disciple explain to the new Bible study attendees how to find chapter and verses in the Bible and to observe him direct the study. One can almost see him, one day, pastoring a church in the country from which he came. There was also a major disappointment this week, one of our early disciples as decided to abandon the Lord.
I am having a slight physical problem. Driving too much and/or working long hours causes my stomach to hurt. This is an old problem and I understand what causes it. But I need to work long hours, and I need my stomach to quit hurting. Please pray for me. The burden of the city is great and the work that needs to be done, momentous. We thank God that we are thus engaged.
Bill and Deb