Dear Church Family,
Pastor wants to remind you that our missionaries to Portugal, Cal & Joyce Voelker, will be with us tonight during the prayer meeting. Please plan on coming to hear how the Lord has blessed them this year in their missionary field at their school.
We hope you are planning on coming this Sunday morning for the OUTDOOR CELEBRATION SERVICE AT 9:00. It will be followed with a brunch. We would like each family to bring a “brunch item” – whatever you like to eat at a brunch in the middle of the morning! Stu will have scrambled eggs, drinks, plates and silverware. Bring your food into the fellowship hall when you first come and then join the church family on the south lawn. If you have lawn chairs, please bring them or blankets on which you can sit and eat. Pray for wonderful weather and a great worship time together. There will not be any children’s church for the 1st through 3rd grade, but the other two younger groups will meet in the church.
There are no Sunday school or Community Groups or service Sunday night.
See you in the yard, Lord willing,