Pastor announced to us on Sunday about the death of Daniel’s school friend’s father, Ralph Bills. Pastor Nemmers has been asked to conduct the service. It will be at Hamilton’s on E. 6th and Lyons on Thursday at 2:30. The visitation is Wednesday from 6-8:00, also at Hamilton’s. Austin Hoff, son of Ralph, attends many of our youth group activities. Please be in prayer for Austin and other family members as Pastor ministers to them.
We would also like to ask if there are any of you that would like to work in the Coffee Cove on Sunday mornings? Several of the current workers are going to be gone for the summer and Scott & Brooke Shrum are in need of more help. There will be a training session on Monday night, the 25th at 6:00 for all current and new workers. Pizza will be provided for you that evening. If you would like to help on a rotating basis, please contact the Shrum’s at or call 963-0592.