Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings from Ohio. We arrived home on May 5, and the last month has gone by very quickly. Sorry that we have not communicated earlier, but we have been without a computer up until just two days ago. We have wanted to keep you all updated on everything that is going on, but without a computer it is sort of impossible to tell you all we do not have a computer, if you know what I mean.
We praise the Lord for all that He has done and is doing in our lives, especially for the opportunity to serve both Nate’s mom and dad during this time. Mom is fading gradually day by day. Maam and I are helping to take care of Mom, so that my dad can do his best at keeping up with his own job requirements. It has been our honor to be able to serve in this way.
As far as her condition goes, Mom is very weak and can no longer stand or walk on her own, so we help her get around, help in feeding her meals as
well as whatever else she needs to do. The intense treatments that she had and the heavy medications that she currently takes have affected her ability to speak and her memory. She does very little talking now, but there are many times that we can tell she would like to say something. She cannot really get it out anymore.
We do appreciate your prayers on Mom’s behalf, and ask you to keep it up. Please pray that God will continue to mold Maam and me, so that we can
be the encouragement to my parents that they need. Please continue to pray for Dad also. We have been here for a month, while he has been taking care of her at this level for close to a year now. Dad is extremely tired in every way. Pray that God will watch over and protect him. It is amazing how God gives His Amazing Grace just at the time we need it most. It has definitely been God’s grace that has sustained Dad during this time.
Originally we planned to leave Thailand at the end of July; so when the call came to hurry home to be with Mom and Dad, we had to really get into gear packing up our house, tying up loose ends, paying bills ahead for a year, and turning the ministry back over to our coworkers, Ed and Darlene
Weber. It was one of those situations where when we sat down in our seats on the plane we said to one another, “Hope we didn’t forget anything.”
It was a blast filling in for the Webers in Kabinburi while they were on furlough. God did a lot of great things during that time, and it was not easy saying goodbye to people we love. Please continue to earnestly pray for the new believers in Kabinburi. Pray for their growth and that God will continue to do His work in that needy area.
Please also pray for the Webers. They are dealing with some overload. After we left, our short termer, Amanda Simmers, also went home. Also another Thai girl who worked with us in the ministry decided to leave. The ministry went from having four teachers to having two teachers, Ed and Darlene. Darlene is also pregnant with their third child, due in September/October. I know they would appreciate your prayers.
Thank you for all you do for us. Please continue to pray for Maam and me. We need it. Pray for strength . . . physical, emotional and spiritual. We will continue to do our best to keep you informed on what is going on.
Yours In Christ,
Nate and Maam Beckman
Baptist Mid-Missions, Thailand