Dear SBC Family,
Two things I want to bring to your attention as this Memorial Day weekend approaches. First, long time member Francis Alexander passed away Wednesday afternoon. Francis was the father of Terry Alexander. He died almost exactly 5 years to the day after his wife Bessie died. While we praise the Lord for their glorious reunion, we want to be praying for the family as they mourn the loss of their father. The viewing will be Friday from 6-8:00 pm at the Ankeny Funeral Home. The funeral service will be here at SBC at 10:00 on Saturday morning.
Some of you may have heard that 60 Minutes this Sunday night will feature Tim McCloud’s and Ryan Aarhus’ infantry unit in Iraq. Since the program will conflict with our Sunday evening services, we are planning on purchasing the program and putting it on our web site next week for those of you that would like to see it. As you may know, we are planning a special evening service with John Leonard as he and Bev along with the girls will be returning next week to Brazil to resume their missionary status. I hope everyone who is available will be here this Sunday night for this special meeting.
In Christ,
Pastor Nemmers