Dear SBC Family,
I have two very important announcements to send your way. The first has to do with this evening’s service. Pastor Mark Vance along with Matt LaPine are going to present a special preview of our upcoming FOUNDATIONS MODULE that we are going to offer beginning June 13th. This promises to be an excellent overview of this tremendous upcoming course. I will take a moment to deal with one misunderstanding which I have heard. The FOUNDATIONS class is not just for new believers. It is understandable that some of you may have thought so, but it is actually for everyone. This summer’s class will deal with two of the 11 major Bible doctrines that the book covers. I am convinced that this series will tremendously strengthen your faith. There is a sign up list in the foyer. Please take advantage of it tonight or this week-end.
This Sunday Cedarville University’s Heartsong singers will be with us in the morning services. The music of Cedarville has always brought a great blessing to SBC. Also, I will be preaching from I Cor. 1:18 and following which presents the cross of Christ against the wisdom of this world. This would be a great Sunday to invite friends, especially unsaved friends to church.
Hope many of you can make it tonight.
In Christ,
Pastor Pat