SBC Men’s Retreat
Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Clear Lake, IA.
Starts: October 13, 7PM-
Ends: October 14, 1PM
Dr. Jim Jeffrey, president of Baptist Bible College, will be the featured speaker at our SBC Men’s Retreat. You are invited to join the men of Saylorville Baptist Church for a time of challenge from God’s Word and fellowship with other believers. The cost is $30. Sign up by contacting the church office or registering in the foyer.
PS – Don’t forget to sign up for the special, pre-retreat Best Ball Golf Tournament. We will start at 10AM Friday at Otter Creek Golf Course in Ankeny, IA. Cost will be $25 and includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and a sack lunch.
October 13th & 14th
Friday, October 13th
10:00 am Golf Tournament at Otter Creek, N. Ankeny
Cost $25. Best Shot. Box lunch served after 9 holes. Prizes!
5:00 pm Caravan of cars leave Saylorville
(Please indicate to Mike Gonzalez if you are willing to drive.)
6:30 pm Arrive at camp. Get situated in your room.
7:30 pm General session with Dr. Jeffrey
8:30 pm Testimony and Prayer
9:30 pm Free Time.
- “Invincible” (Flag football using car lights.)
- Night Time Zipline
10:30 pm Pizza!
Saturday, October 14th
7:30 am Breakfast by Stu And Company
8:30 am General Session with Dr. Jeffrey
9:30 am Alone time. Prayer walking.
10:30 am General Session with Dr. Jeffrey
11:15 am Testimonies
12:00 pm Lunch by Stu And Company
1:00 pm Homeward Bound*
*Anyone desiring to play paintball after lunch, please let the SBC office know by Wednesday. There will be a minimal cost of $7-10, everything being supplied.
Questions? Call Mike Gonzalez 965-1764 or Mark Vance 554-5669
**Cost $30. This includes overnight lodging and three meals. Please prepay today or tonight if possible.