Online Giving FAQ

Q: How do I give online?
A: The platform we use is Church Center a product of Planning Center Online. You can give online or by downloading the app on your phone.

Q: Is it safe to give online?
A: Yes. In many ways giving online is safer than writing a check because an electronic gift cannot be lost or stolen. The security of the system is continually managed by Planning Center Online.

Q: What types of bank accounts can I give from?
A: You can give online from your checking account.

Q. Can I use a debit card?
A: Yes, but please consider giving through your bank account to help us avoid debit card fees. Note: At this time we are not accepting Credit Card transactions.

Q: Are there any fees involved with giving online?
A: You will not pay any fees when giving online.

Q: Can I make a one-time contribution?
A: Yes. Church Center allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring contribution. Just select “One time” under the “Occurrence” section.

Q: If I want to set-up a recurring gift, what are my options for frequency of my gift?
A: For recurring gifts, you have the option of giving weekly, every other week, twice monthly or monthly.

Q: Can I change my personal information or the amount or the frequency of my gift once I have set it up?
A: Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in to Church Center using your username and password and make the necessary changes in the system.

Q: Can I review my donation history online?
A: Yes. Church Center will allow you to view the complete history of your contributions, given either online or otherwise.

Q: Will I still receive regular contribution statements from the church?
A: Yes. The church will continue to provide year-end contribution statements for tax purposes. You can also log into your account and download your statement at anytime.

Q: When will contributions be taken from my account?
A: Contributions will be taken from your specified bank account within 48 business hours of the date you requested. This time frame allows time for the contribution to process through your bank and the church’s bank. If the date of your contribution falls on a weekend or a holiday, the transaction will be initiated on the next banking day.

Q: How will I know that I set up my gift correctly?
A: Immediately after submitting your contribution, you will receive an e-mail verifying your contribution.

Q: Does it matter which Internet browser I use?
A: No. Any browser will work.

Q: I have additional questions about online giving that have not been addressed. Who can I talk to?
A: For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact us at