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Purpose: To connect women from all stages of life through genuine friendship, to be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith and to deepen the community of women at Saylorville Church. Romans 1:12 “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” (NLT)
Who Qualifies as an Older Woman? This is primarily about your stage of life, not your age. Many of us are simply in the “next stage of life” compared to younger women, which makes us an “older woman”. If you are a woman who is seeking after the Lord and pursuing a closer walk with Him then you are qualified! You do not need to have “done everything right” or “arrived”. We are all a work in progress. Your role as an “older woman” will be to befriend a woman/women who are younger and in a different stage of life. Through this ministry, you are to simply encourage, listen, pray for and delight in friendship…just as you do with friendships with women your own age!
Who Qualifies as a Younger Woman? Women who are seeking after the Lord and pursuing a closer walk with Him. Your role will be to encourage, listen, pray for and delight in a friendship with a woman/women who are in a different stage of life as you.
Can I be both an “older” and “younger” woman in Tandem? YES!!! A majority of women at Saylorville are “somewhere in between”. Tandem is designed to connect with women from various stages of life, both before AND after the current stage of life you are in. To encourage and to be encouraged!
This is about Friendship! This is not about having expectations that another woman will “fix” anything, babysit, expect you to know everything, entertain them, etc. We don’t often come into friendships with women our own age wondering what they will “do for us” or what they will “need from us” in return. It is simply about connection and friendship.
Tandem Gatherings: Offered 4 times a year (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
– 2 hosts (older women) and up to 4 younger women
– The hosts choose the time and place that works for their schedule
– The matter of food/drinks will be entirely up to the hosts. It can be as simple as meeting over coffee or you can open your home and host a meal. There are NO expectations of entertaining (What you offer will not be made known publicly when the women sign up.). This is NOT about entertaining but rather opening your heart up to friendship.
Signing up:
– Two hosts will provide the date/time/place. (You can choose your own co-host!)
– The hosts will also provide a very brief “bio” for the younger women to get a snapshot of who they will be getting to know during that time. Often younger women are seeking to connect with an older woman who has walked a similar path to the one they are currently on. Or they may want the perspective of someone on a different path!
– Up to four younger women will sign up to get to know these two hosts.
– This is about having fun in a relaxed atmosphere without having expectations of finding “the one.” This isn’t speed dating! Make it a matter of prayer and the Lord will open the doors. He’s good at that!
Moving Forward in Friendship:
If you connect with an older/younger woman, it is up to you to pursue further friendship and connection.
2019 Schedule of Tandem Gatherings
February (Winter) February 18-March 1
April (Spring)
October (Fall)
Provide Lindsey Holan (lindseyholan@gmail.com) with the date and time that works for YOU. Please send her 3-4 sentences about yourself that would be helpful for the younger women to get a snapshot of who they will be meeting. They may want to choose someone who shares common interests/life choices so please share what you think would be relevant in helping a young woman choose you to connect with. Please include:
Married? (how long?)
Children? (how many/ages)
Career?/Stayed home?
Interests & simple pleasures
Spiritual nugget
Example: Lindsey Holan: I have been married for almost 15 years in which we have moved 3 times out of state. We have two daughters ages 11 & 9 that I homeschool (and love!). I love going for walks, drinking coffee, taking naps and I love reading God’s Word.
For April, please send Lindsey your bio by March 25th at lindseyholan@gmail.com. We will be opening up the schedule for younger women to sign up on Feb. 1st so we would love to have your bios ready to go!