In addition to the missionaries listed below, we also support missionaries that serve in parts of the world we are not able to disclose. For security reasons, we keep their names, locations and pictures private. Please pray for the ministry of these families, their continued encouragement and that God will bring many to saving faith…
Pat Nemmers has been the lead pastor at Saylorville Church in Des Moines, Iowa since 1998. He was born in 1958 and grew up in Waterloo, Iowa in a devout Roman Catholic home. While working in the factory at John Deere Tractor Manufacturer he heard the Gospel and shortly there after trusted Christ as his…
Abe was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and at the age of seven, he made a profession of faith. He realized that he was a sinner (Romans 3:23) and on his way to hell. Ephesians 2:8-9 and John 3:16 are verses that really impacted him. He realized that God sent His only…
Jason grew up in South Africa where his family served as missionaries. He became a follower of Jesus at a young age when He accepted Christ as His personal Savior. Jason first met his wife, Meredith, when they were both freshmen in college where Jason and Meredith served together in full-time youth ministry for fifteen…
Paul is the Pastor of Music Ministries at Saylorville. He was born into a pastor’s home and raised in the light of the Bible. He realized he was a hopeless sinner and was adopted into the family of God through faith in Jesus at a young age and was baptized. Paul’s passion is giving the…
Over four decades of marriage and ministry (including thirty-six years as a lead pastor) have seasoned Curt with the reality of living in a fallen world. By His grace, God has taught him the power of the Gospel to address the myriad of issues that confront his brother and sisters in Christ. Curt is joined…
Jerrod has been blessed to grow up in a Godly Christian home. His parents, John and Bev Leonard, are missionaries to Brazil. At age four he knew that he was a sinner and needed a Savior. That is when he believed what Romans 10:9 says, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus…
Andrew is a native Iowan who grew up in Des Moines. He heard the Gospel continuously as a child from his Christ-following parents and gave his life to Jesus as a young boy. He became convicted his freshman year of high school that his faith was more his parents’ faith than his own, and he…
Caleb was born and raised in the Des Moines area growing up in a strong Bible believing home giving his life over to Christ when he was five. After high school, Caleb struggled to know what God had next for his life and fell stagnant in his walk with the Lord until his brother in Christ came alongside him…
Ava has grown up in a Christian home, blessed with the example of godly parents who are daily an example of faith to her. At the age of eleven, she understood Romans 10:9 which says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you…