Ladies of SBC,
Mark your calendars for Cabin Fever Cure, our next women’s event coming on Friday, January 29, 2010! Now is your chance to beat those winter blues and get outta the house!
Cabin Fever Cure is a fun, lighthearted evening designed to help you bust that winter boredom. Several women have graciously offered their time, talents, and homes to hold different workshops. Topics include
* Gardening: learn tips to help with your garden this coming spring –Patti Boersma {limit 10}
* Heavenly Homemaking: tips for home management, organization, teaching your children responsibility and more– Jenny Klinefelter {limit 20}
* Habitat for Sanity: working moms will share practical tips to help you balance your God-given responsibilities. — Rebekah Brandmeyer/Sarah Wille {limit 12}
* Crop Till You Drop: bring your scrapbooks and supplies and get to work! — Jamie Hansen (held at SBC) {no limit}
* Just Games: just what it sounds like — come play games! — Jan Borst {limit 20}
* Frugal Furnishings: make your house a home decorating with every-day items and thrift store finds — Emily Archer {limit 20}
* Legacy of Faith: creative ideas to pass on your faith with your children — Karen Swartzendruber {limit 11}
To get more information and sign up, visit the Coffee Cove between services on Sunday. There will not be an online sign up for this event, and space is limited, so be sure to visit the Coffee Cove as soon as you can!