Christmas Services 2016

What’s the difference between an invitation and an announcement? An invitation “invites” you to attend an event. An announcement “announces” an event that invites your attention! And there has never been an announcement more deserving of our attention than the Birth of God on earth. So this is both an invitation and an announcement. We invite you to Saylorville Church this December 18th and 24th/25th for a two-part announcement of the coming of our God and King, Jesus Christ.

This Christmas series will start on December 18th. Then we are offering three services for Christmas weekend. Two of them will be Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24th) at 4:00pm and 5:30pm. The third will be Christmas morning (Sunday, December 25th) at 9:30am. We are asking you to come to just one of the services. They will all be exactly the same. We hope to see you this Christmas!


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