Do you feel like we live in the shadow of grief? We are inundated with updates and videos of the latest heartbreak. We are exposed to tragedies and yet not directly involved in the situation. There’s this unexplainable cloud of doom that hangs over our head. What do we do with that? The last month…
Adults often ask kids “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Costumes, whether it’s for Halloween or just everyday dress-up, let kids pretend. Even if just for a day, they imagine what it would be like to come to the rescue as a firefighter, save the day as a doctor, or create…
You are more intimidating than you realize. As a single Christian female, I’ve heard this comment more than once. That statement most often comes from older, Christian brothers in my life; the words are said with the kindness of intentions. They are attempting to offer encouragement as I walk through singleness longer than anyone anticipated,…
“Friendship… is born at the moment when one man says to another ‘What! You too? I thought that no one but myself.’”— C.S. Lewis True friends are a gift from the Lord and a crucial part of our growth as Christ followers. When you share an interest with someone, or have a “What! You too?”…