Today’s Backyard BBQ and Car Show will go on rain or shine and goes from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Some activities may be moved indoors due to weather.
The 11th annual Backyard BBQ & Car Show will be held June 15th on the south lawn of Saylorville Church. It will include free food, games and car show. This year there will be also be a fun run for cars. See car show info below. The main event starts at 5:00pm, a free BBQ at 6:00pm and awards will be handed out at 8:00pm. All neighbors, friends and family are welcome! For more information, please contact the church office at 515.289.2395 or
Car Show Details
Fun Run leaves Saylorville Church at 3:45pm, Registration begins at 4:00pm. Main event will begin at 5:00pm. Enter event off 6th Drive at the “Show Car Entrance Only” sign. We will try to accommodate your desire to park in the grass or on the asphalt. Parking will be handled by the helpers in bright colored t-shirts. Registration will be at pop up tent in the middle of the driveway. A free BBQ meal will be at 6:00pm and awards at 8:00pm. Fun Run winner will be awarded the prize at the same time. If you have any questions before the event or during the event call John Godwin at 491-6307 or Chris Hay at 240-7217 or during the event ask one of the parking helpers in bright colored t-shirts.