Part of the mission statement for Saylorville women is to “provide women with solid Biblical teaching and supportive personal relationships…” That is why we are joining together to become “Women of the Word” this coming year. One way to provide solid Biblical teaching is to equip our women to become solid Bible students. As we read through “Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin together, we will take what we learn in each chapter and apply it to wherever we are in Scripture. Whether that is through the Five Day Reading Plan that we are doing together as a church family or whether you are studying on your own at your own pace. God desires each one of us to know Him deeper and understands that the Bible is a book about Him. Join Saylorville women as we journey together as a community of women who’s hearts are set on knowing Him deeper through becoming better students of the Word.
If you can not join us on Thursday mornings, grab a girlfriend or two, grab your cell group ladies or a Tandem friend, or do it along with your teenage daughter! You can download the Study Guide and go through it at your own pace! This is not just a “Winter Bible Study”, it is an opportunity to grow in your knowledge of God through His Word and what better way than to do it together as Women! These resources will be available to you throughout the year, not just when formal Bible studies are offered.
If you are interested in joining us on Thursday mornings you can register here.
If you are interested in joining us on Thursday evenings you can register here.
If you want to do it on your own you can grab the study guide here or you can buy a hard copy in the Coffee Cove on January 26th or February 2nd for $5.
Here is a wonderful resource (or cheat sheet) of study tools to print and keep in your Bible as a quick reference when you are reading!