Current areas to serve
Sunday Morning Prep: 6:00am-8:00am; input lyrics, verses, announcements, etc into the computer; prepare flat screens in the foyer with content; set up Rise Up; prepare live stream; clean up tech equipment from past events; set up for band practice.
Video Producer: Sundays 7:45am-12:00pm, Sundays 4:45pm-6:15pm and during special events; Controlling the live stream, controlling 2 cameras via remote, choosing cameras and switching between them, directing camera operator.
Shutdown: Sundays 12:00pm-12:15pm, Sundays 6:15pm-6:30pm and during special events; TVs, projectors and other equipment need shutdown; wireless mics put away and batteries put on chargers; etc.
Camera Operator: Sundays 7:45am-12:00pm, Sundays 4:45pm-6:15pm and during special events; This is simply running a manned camera during both morning services or the evening service. The Video Producer will direct you.
Sunday Evening Prep: 3:00pm-5:00pm; help with stage setup including instruments, mics, pallet walls, etc.; put lyrics, verses, announcements, etc into computer; prepare live stream.
Stage teardown: anytime after 7:00pm Sunday (including during the week); take down pallet walls, table, chairs, etc; prepare stage for next event
Sound Room cleaning/prep: Anytime after 7:00pm Sunday (weekly); clean up the sound room after Sunday services, put equipment back; prepare for next event.
Social Media on Sundays: Use notes from Pastor’s sermon or Adult Class to post to Facebook & Twitter during services; respond to tweets; post photos to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
Photographer: Using church’s Sony A7iii, Canon 60D or you own DSLR during Sunday services and other events.
Videographer: Using church’s Sony A7iii, Canon 60D or you own DSLR during Sunday services and other events; help with other video projects such as Saylorville Stories.
Youth Group Setup: 1-4 times a month based on your availability; Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm; setting up instruments, turning on TVs, Projectors, prepare mics, Lyrics, Etc.
Youth Group: 1-4 times a month based on your availability; 5:30pm-7:30pm Wednesdays; band practice; mix band; run visuals including keynote and lyrics.
Sunday Setup: 1-4 times a month based on your availability; Time if flexible, somewhere between 9:00am Thursday and Saturday night. Setting up lyrics, announcements, live stream etc for Sunday Services.
Tech Storage Clean Up: We have multiple storage areas that are used regularly that need cleaned, wires organized, etc.
Website Monitor: Check Website a couple of times a week and look for errors and out of date content. Report to Technology Manager.
Photo and/or Video Organizing: Organizing photos and video by date, ministry, people, etc. Anytime during the week. This includes local files on our server and files in the cloud that can be organized from a web browser anywhere.