Saturday Module: A Journey Through the Old Testament

Topic: A Journey Through the Old Testament
Speaker: Pastor Pat Nemmers
Date: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 8:00am-11:00am
Location: Saylorville Church
Cost: Free
Childcare: Available through 2nd Grade only, please sign your child up when you register.

Join us on November 18th from 8:00am-11:00am as Pastor Pat takes us on A Journey Through the Old Testament. During this module you will learn the Old Testament in a fun way and connect dots you might not have connected before. Childcare is available through 2nd grade. The cost is free but please sign up online or in the Church Center app.

A Journey Through the Old Testament
“Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, (Jesus) interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27)

A message from our speaker:
“Just one week after becoming a Christian, my brother, who led me to Christ, took an entire morning to teach me an overview of the entire Old Testament—focusing on the big picture and how the entire narrative leads us to Jesus. We will do the same thing in our upcoming Saturday morning module, we’re titling A Journey Through the Old Testament. During this module, you will learn the Old Testament in a fun way and connect dots you might not have connected before.” – Pat Nemmers


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