Counseling is like jazz. We have a melody, but not a script. We must improvise within boundaries.
Benny Green – “A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges.”
Counseling Defined:
- Giving people the Bible in a way they can understand, so they can change.
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Romans 12:8
Counseling Myths:
- The myth that preaching solves everything
- Jesus’ communication was 80% conversations and 20% preaching
- The myth that counseling only happens when you “go to counseling”
- It’s happening on the bus, in the cafeteria, and on the athletic field
- The myth that only trained professionals can counsel
- God has given you a specific situation, His Word, His Holy Spirit – why not?
- Trained counselors are the emergency room. Community Group leaders are the weekly check-ups.
Every Christian is a counselor:
- Matthew 7:1-6
- Vs 5 – Help your brother when you see something!
- Vs. 3-4 – Deal with your own sin first
- Vs. 1-2 – Believe the best, because that’s what you want people to believe about you
- The goal is unity, restoration, and community
- Acts 20:17-21
- Paul lived alongside people (in community)
- Teaching publicly and privately
- Urging people to change
- Jesus counseled both publicly and privately
- Public – Sermon on the Mount, feeding of the 5,000, public healings
- Private – Woman at the well, Mary and Martha, his disciples
- Ephesians 4:11-16
- Speaking and hearing the truth in love from community is the way we grow
Examples of real issues people in your Community Group struggle with:
- Drugs and alcohol
- Sexual impurity
- Gambling
- Laziness
- Pornography
- Etc.
Where do these issues come from?
- Realize what the real issue is
- Our lives are lived in the context of our circumstances, sin, and suffering
- 1 Peter 4:12
- Our behavior, thoughts, and emotions are all connected
- Phil 4:4-9
- Our behavior, thoughts, and emotions all come from our heart
- Mark 7:21-23
- 1 Peter 1:22
- Our behavior, thoughts, and emotions all reveal our real desires
- James 1:14-15
- Our desires are ultimately rooted in our worship
- Romans 1:22-25
- Ezekiel 36:24-26
- Colossians 3:5
- Am I making God-centered choices, or Man-centered choices?
- Our lives are lived in the context of our circumstances, sin, and suffering
So, how do we help our community?
- Start and end with the Bible
- Hebrews 4:12
- There isn’t one problem, issue, mess that someone is in that the Bible doesn’t help makes sense of.
- Mind the gap
- Try to understand the difference between you and the person you are talking to
- Family background
- Place where they were brought up
- Ethnic or racial cultures
- Economic situation
- Emotional makeup
- Man/Woman
- Try to understand the difference between you and the person you are talking to
- Listen in love
- Proverbs 18:15
- Luke 10:40-41
- Give full attention
- Eye contact
- Respond appropriately
- Body language
- Ask good questions (Sherlock Holmes)
- Circumstances – What is happening?
- Behavior – What are you doing about it?
- Thoughts – What are you thinking about it?
- Emotions – How are you feeling about it?
- Worship – Why are you thinking, doing, and feeling what you are?
- What do you love/hate?
- What do you want/hope for?
- What do you fear/concerns you?
- What do you think you need?
- Where do you run for comfort/safety?
- What do you think you deserve/are entitled to?
- Say what is most needed (Not, “What’s the right thing to say?” but “What will help?”)
- 1 Thess 5:14
- Proverbs 27:14
- Be part of their continued journey
- One anothers in Scripture
- Hebrews 10:24-25