Join us October 25th and 27th for the Saylorville Church Missions Conference as we host some of our missionaries who are serving the Lord in various capacities all around the world. It’s a great opportunity for God to expand our vision and burden our hearts for the world around us. Check out the schedule below.


Click the appropriate links and get signed up today!
Thursday, October 24th
Thursday Morning Prayer
This year’s conference will start with a special time of prayer for our missionaries and unreached people groups during our weekly Thursday morning prayer time at 6:00am or 8:30am.
Friday, October 25th
Senior Adults: Coffee with Missionaries
If you are a senior adult (those around 70 years and older) please join us in the Coffee Cove at 2:00pm as we interact with our missionaries. Get signed up today!
Saturday, October 26th
Missionary Breakfast
Join us for this special breakfast at 9:00am as we will get to know and interact with the missionary men and women attending the Saylorville Church Missions Conference. We will hear their unique perspectives of what life is like on their mission fields, what they struggle with and how churches and individuals can best encourage them. Breakfast, juice and coffee will be provided as well as childcare (Infant-Preschool). Get signed up today!
Missionary Hangout
Missionaries will be connecting with our Youth, Young Adults and Prime Timers Ministry.
Lee and Violette Abuhl with Saylorville Students (6th-12th grade)
John and Bev Leonard with Young Adults (college and young professionals)
Russ and Cathy Matthews and Andy and Lindsey Messmer with Prime Timers (60-70 years old)
Sunday, October 27th
Morning Services
Missionaries will be interacting with our Saylorville Kids, giving missionary updates and greeting you at their booths in the Coffee Cove throughout the morning.
Missionary Updates
Get signed up for one (or two) of our missionary updates to interact with our missionaries and learn more about what God is doing on their field.
8:00am: Lee and Violette Abuhl (Togo) in Learning Center
9:30am: Russ and Cathy Matthews (Australia) in Learning Center
11:00am: John and Bev Leonard (Brazil) in the Learning Center or Andy and Lindsey Messmer (Spain) in Student Center
Saylorville Kids
8:00am: Andy and Lindsey Messmer (Spain)
9:30am: Lee and Violette Abuhl (Togo)
11:00am: Russ and Cathy Matthews (Australia)
Rise Up
9:30am: John and Bev Leonard (Brazil)
Sunday Nights at Saylorville: Missionary Christmas
The whole church is welcome as we celebrate what God is doing in the lives of our missionaries. We will hear from them one final time as they share their hearts for global missions, why it’s important, how they see God at work and how Saylorville Church can be part of what God’s doing. Saylorville Kids (infant-5th grade) will meet in the FLC during this time for Crazy Hair Night! All starting at 5:00pm.
Missionary Christmas
We will close the conference with snacks, crafts for the kids and a Missionary Christmas. One of the highlights of the conference is the Missionary Christmas! This is our opportunity as a church family to love on our missionaries by purchasing gifts for them from their missionary “wish” list. Click here to see all their “Christmas” lists or visit You can also give to the overall Missionary Christmas fund by clicking here and selecting “Missionary Christmas Fund.”
Missionary Christmas Lists
Lee and Violet Abuhl
John and Bev Leonard
Russ and Cathy Matthews
Andy and Lindsey Messmer